
Showing posts from September, 2020

Broken Institutions of America

 [Below is a lightly edited email I sent to a friend recently. We were discussing journalism generally, and particularly the major print and Internet houses. I was trying to make the point that fair & objective reporting doesn't require journalists to treat all political statements as potentially valid -- being "fair" doesn't require ignoring truth or falsity. -- Ed.] * * * I'm so old I remember when HRC said "you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," and everyone flipped the fuck out. HRC's own internal expert concluded , for example, that that particular comment caused the biggest shift in undecided voters of the election. (Sidenote. While I buy the comment induced a big swing in undecided voters aspect, I don't buy related analysis that the comment was what got Trump elected. The EMAILZ!!!1! non-scandal and the late Comey letter were much more important in that regard, because the election